
Call Your Neighbors to Prayer

I don’t know when I had been so angry. A corporate giant was taking over the empty lots in our addition. Zero-lot line homes intended for empty nesters had been our dream-come-true for nearly three years. My husband was in his glory not having to mow grass or shovel snow any more. But Giant dropped the hammer at a recent HOA meeting. No more ranch style maintenance-free homes. Their goal was massive two-stories, overriding the original plan of our villa homes, changing the look and purpose of our entire community. It didn’t set well with any of us. I asked the Lord, “help me not to sin in my anger.”

After voicing our concerns at the meeting, we realized this was a done-deal. Feeling helpless, we began a continual surge of letters to the head honcho. Even though it seemed impossible, we wouldn’t go down without a fight. There was a new unity growing among us.

Then something happened to me.

You do not have because you do not ask God.

I felt a nudge. An impression. Call your neighbors to prayer. It sounded good lying in bed in the early morning hours; it took some real courage in the daylight. But the thought wouldn’t go away. I knew I had to obey, even though I had no idea of their level of faith.  So I composed an email to all the neighbors, inviting them to gather for prayer on Saturday morning at 10. I wasn’t sure how my invitation would be received…until the parade of neighbors started down the street that bright sunny day.

Ask and it shall be given to you. 

Much to my surprise, I saw a steady stream of men and women walking toward the empty lot. Before long, fourteen neighbors stood together holding hands…praying for God’s help. We started by thanking God for our homes and neighbors. Then we asked that the hand of the Lord would move on our behalf. As we presented our petition to the Almighty to change the minds of the builder, someone suggested we end with the Lord’s Prayer. What a sight it was! Neighbors from all walks of life holding hands in a circle on the very site where the proposed two-story model was to stand. A couple of the ladies started applauding until the entire group was clapping praise to the Lord. It wasn’t long before neighbor was hugging neighbor. It was an awesome experience. One I will never forget.



Something happened that day. Neighbors who formerly waved on their way out each morning were suddenly united with purpose.  We had a need. We presented it to God. We hoped our prayers would make a difference. Then we waited…together. I had a sense God was up to something, and I began to thank Him every day for the answer.

By prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

I longed for our entire neighborhood to see that God answers prayer, whether they participated or not. I hoped for the miraculous so all would recognize that the hand of the Lord had done the impossible. I asked that the Lord be glorified however He answered, realizing His grace would be sufficient if things didn’t go our way. But I hoped they would!

Ten days later, you could have heard me screech all over the west side of Indy. Our answer came in the form of an email from the corporate giant. They had changed their minds.  No two-story homes! Really? I could hardly believe it! And I could barely restrain myself from dancing around the block. We had witnessed a miracle. God heard and answered our prayer…because we asked. I can’t thank Him enough.

His ear is not deaf to our cry, nor is His arm short to move on our behalf. 

Are you facing a giant? An impossible situation? Do you need a miracle? Try prayer. Gather a group together to pray with you. Moms…co-workers..neighbors…family…friends.

Where two or three agree together in prayer, it shall be done.

Whatever your need, I encourage you to ask God for help. If you need a little push, just remember the empty lot where God overruled the Giant.




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