Intimacy with The King Online Bible Study

Intimacy with the King – Lesson 7

The Place of Intimacy 

There is one condition we must meet in developing intimacy with the King of Kings. We must draw close to God and then He will draw close to us. The way has been opened to us through the blood of Jesus to come boldly into God’s presence. God provides everything we need for life and godliness, and as we draw close to Him we find strength for every situation we encounter.  This week’s lesson is all about living close to God.  It’s so easy to get distracted with the stuff of life that we neglect spending time with God. But if we truly long to be close to God, we will keep our eyes on Him. We will strive to commune with Him throughout the day. And we will make His Word our daily bread.

Read Psalm 27:4

1. What is David’s greatest desire? Describe what he longs for.

Read Psalm 31:20

2. From what does the shelter of his presence protect us?

Read Psalm 91:1-2

3. What will those who dwell in the shelter of the Most High find? How does David describe the Lord?

Read John 15:4-7

4. What are the advantages of abiding in the Vine?

Read Acts 17:28

5. What should we do in and through Him?

Unless we stay in His presence, we will not grow or be fruitful in our Christian walk. The word abide means to take up residence, which is exactly how we become fruitful for the Kingdom of God. As the branch, we must stay attached to the Vine for nourishment. Jesus is the Source of life within us. As we spend time with Him praying, reading, and studying His Word, our lives will be changed. Stop and think how you can intentionally draw close to God today.





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