Online Bible Study

A Joseph Spirit – Lesson 19


Why me? I wasn’t paid staff or anybody of importance. I wasn’t an experienced mom. Surely someone else was more qualified. But our pastor asked if I would end the Mothers’s Day service with prayer. That meant walking down the aisle of our church all alone, stepping up on the platform without falling, and standing behind a pulpit where only great men of God spoke. And to make matters worse, the entire pastoral staff  would be sitting on their big throne-like chairs behind me. I didn’t think I could do it. I was just a young mom with nothing to give. Thankfully, I had a week to pray about my prayer. And God gave me the confidence to do it. When we feel the least qualified, the Lord always equips us. When we rely on Him and remember who we are in Christ, all things are possible. I may have been shaking in my boots, but I prayed a blessing on the moms that morning. Be confident that what God says about you is true, and don’t shrink back when God calls you to what you think is an impossible task.

Read Genesis 47:1-2

1. When Joseph told Pharaoh his family had come, how many of his brothers did he take with him to Pharaoh?

2. Where have you noticed the number 5 before? Do you remember what it might represent? (See Genesis 43:34, 45:11 and 22)

Read Genesis 47:3-6

3. What else did Pharaoh suggest Joseph’s family do beside pasture their own flocks?

Read Genesis 47:7-12

4. What did Jacob do for Pharaoh when he met him?

5. Why do you think  Jacob  could stand before this great ruler with dignity and confidence?

I love the confidence Jacob displayed when he was presented to Pharaoh. This aging father stood before a strong, political ruler with dignity.  He faced him with awareness that he was representing the Almighty God Himself. Jacob knew the unique position he held in God’s Kingdom, and with quiet dignity and confidence, he spoke a holy blessing upon Pharaoh. Truly Jacob was a channel of divine blessings, with Pharaoh being the recipient. This speaks to all of us today. Know who you are and what the Bible says about you.

You are chosen and adopted as God’s child. You belong to Him; You have purpose as God’s workmanship. You bear His name and are sealed with the Holy Spirit. Most importantly, you are His dwelling place. So why should you be afraid? You represent the Almighty and have His last name. You may never stand before a president here on earth but wherever God places you, know who you are in Christ. Walk in godly confidence as you relate with others in this world.


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