Come Up Higher Online Bible Study

Come Up Higher – Lesson 5

A Higher Standard

The dictionary defines a highway as a more direct route to a destination. It is a road built to make travel easier. In these verses, we learn about the Highway of Holiness. It’s a path God has put before us, separated from the world and the lure of the flesh. God calls us to a higher standard. It’s higher because of the One to Whom we belong.

Read Isaiah 35:8-9

1. What is this highway called and who is allowed to walk on it?

Read Isaiah 62:10

2. What is to be built up? What is to be raised?

Read Proverbs 4:18

3. Describe the path of the righteous.

Read Proverbs 4:19

4. Contrast the path of the wicked.

Read Proverbs 16:17

5. What does the highway of the upright avoid? What happens when you guard your way?

When we first moved to Indianapolis, I was confused by the circular highway around the city. Many times I actually went north instead of west, making a complete loop around town before getting to my destination. Even after living here for over 30 years, I still have trouble determining which direction I should go before approaching a ramp on the other side of town. Call me directionally challenged! On a spiritual level, I hope to be more in tune with God. He wants to take us to heights of victory and abundance. The Amplified Bible says, “The way of the righteous is plain and raised like a highway…the path of the wise leads upward to life that he may avoid the gloom in the place of the dead.” What a picture Solomon paints here. God’s highway is the straight course that leads to life. It’s a matter of coice. Do we want blessings or curses? Let’s be intentional to take the higher road to the victorious, abundant life God has planned for us. It begins when we make Jesus the Lord of our lives.



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