Faith Online Bible Study

Faith – Lesson 1

The Obstacle of Unbelief

After five long years of disappointment, I was finally pregnant. I was on Cloud 9 and wanted to shout the good news from the rooftops! We could hardly contain our excitement. But our joy was short-lived. My long-awaited pregnancy resulted in miscarriage. It didn’t make sense. It would have been easier to never get pregnant in the first place. I wondered why God denied me the privilege of another child when it seemed others were allowed to abort, abuse or abandon theirs.

I admit my faith was shaken to the core. You may think you’re pretty solid in your beliefs until a crisis takes places, and you wonder where God is in the midst of your pain. But I had to go back to the truth upon which I had built my life. God was for me, not against me. He would work everything out for my good. He would never leave or forsake me. I held on to the Only One who could help me through the pain, even when I knew He could have prevented it. That’s what faith is all about.

Read Habakkuk 2:4

1. What truth is stated in this verse?

Read Matthew 17:14-21

2. Why does a man in the crowd come and kneel before Jesus?

3. Which words of Jesus show his frustration with the disciples? What does Jesus do next?

4. For what reason did Jesus say the disciples were unable to heal the boy? Do you think Jesus was criticizing or training them?

5. What truth does Jesus give them about faith? What stands out to you in this verse?

6. What is the result of genuine faith? How does this speak to you in your present circumstances?

The disciples wanted to cast out the demon, while Jesus wanted to cast out their unbelief. There is power in even the smallest, undeveloped seed of faith. The power of God plus our faith moves mountains. Scripture declares that nothing is impossible when we believe. I recently read that a life of faith is not one of understanding and reason, but of knowing the One who leads us. Living by faith is not a series of mountaintop experiences but one of consistency in the everyday mundane circumstances of life…even in disappointment. If you’re facing an immovable mountain today, take your eyes off the problem and look to Jesus. That’s the beginning of genuine faith.



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