Inquiring Online Bible Study

Inquiring – Lesson 5


If we glean anything from the following verses, let’s remember how important it is to search out truth in scripture and inquire of the Lord in prayer. The Bible is our guideline for living. We really don’t have an excuse for “not knowing” if we make His Word our daily bread and pray about everything. He promises to order our steps and lead us on the right paths. The Holy Spirit will teach us and remind us of everything the Lord has said. But we have a responsibility to find out His instructions by seeking and asking. As you complete this lesson, consider where you may have assumed to be doing the right thing without really committing it to God. David learned a lesson the hard way. Let’s learn from his mistake.

We learn in Deuteronomy that Moses made a wooden chest and put the Ten Commandments inside of it. It was called the Ark of God and signified the very presence of God among His people.



1. What did David and his men set out to do?

2. Who dwelled between the cherubim on top of the ark? Why do you think Israel wanted to take the ark back to Jerusalem?

3. How did David and his men move the ark from verses 3-4? This is significant to the story.

4. What is described in verse 5?

Read Exodus 25:10-22

5. What specific instructions had previously been given about carrying the ark of God? Did David and his men follow these instructions? How could they have found out the proper way? It is interesting to note that David had inquired about specific battles in the previous chapter but now makes a decision without asking God.


Let’s stop and picture what’s going on in these verses. David wanted to restore the ark to a place of honor, acknowledging that the God of heaven and earth was the true King of Israel. His intensions were pure. David and the whole house of Israel celebrated before the Lord with songs and instruments of praise as they marched along with the ark. It must have been quite a sight! We will continue with more of this story next week but keep in mind that even thought the people worshipped God they had to bear the consequences of disobedience. God always demands obedience over sacrifice, even a sacrifice of praise. Note what David did not do in this story. We will see what results from it in our next study. Here’s some verses to ponder this week:

God’s Word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path. (Psalm 119:105)

The man who LOOKS INTENTLY into the perfect law that gives freedom and continues to do this,

not forgetting what he has heard, but DOING IT, will be blessed in what he does. (James 1:25)



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