Inquiring Online Bible Study

Inquiring – Lesson 8


I can’t count the number of times I wake up at exactly 3:33. Perplexed, I always inquire, “Lord, what are you saying to me?”  I’ve searched through the Bible and found there aren’t many books or chapters that fit those”three-three’s.” But I found one that was just what I needed. It’s Jeremiah 33:3, which we will study below. As we end these lessons on inquiring, remember what it really means. Take the challenge. Are you calling on, crying out, watching daily at His doors, and listening to His commands. It’s a good habit to practice.

Read Jeremiah 33:3 

1. What is the command and promise here?

Read Romans 10:12-13 

2. What is the promise to all who call upon Him?

Read 2 Chronicles 20:12 (for the entire prayer, read verses 5-12)

3. How did King Jehoshaphat pray when he needed help?

Read 2 Kings 19:14-19 

4. When King Hezekiah received a letter from his enemy, what did he do according to verse 14.

5. List some specific phrases in Hezekiah’s prayer to help shape your own prayers. Notice his praise points as well as his specific petition. How does he end his prayer?

Two kings needed God’s intervention. The one said he didn’t know what to do but his eyes were on the Lord. The other took a threatening letter and laid it out before the Lord in the temple, asking God to open His eyes and ears to the threats of an enemy. How often we need God to intervene in our circumstances! Like Jehoshaphat, do we keep out eyes on the Lord when we don’t know what to do? Do we lay out our problems before Him as Hezekiah did with his letter?

I remember spreading out my own “letters” of concern to the Lord at my place of prayer; lifting a picture of a loved one up toward Heaven interceding for a need; and laying my open journal out before the Lord with my written requests. How many times have I repeated Jehoshaphat’s prayer, “Lord, I don’t know what to do but my eyes are on You.” The Bible tells us the help of man is worthless, but with God we gain the victory. Let’s not miss Hezekiah’s final request, “that all kingdoms on earth may know that you alone are God.” That should be the ultimate goal of our requests, to bring glory and honor back to God Himself.

The promise of God is sure. If we will call (inquire), He will answer. Let’s be intentional about inquiring of the Lord, believing He holds victory in store for those who inquire.  I love the Amplified translation of Jeremiah 33:3. “Call to me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things, fenced in and hidden, which you do not know, do not distinguish and recognize, have knowledge of and understand.” Do we have an advantage or what, my believing friends! Let’s think on these things today.



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