Inquiring Online Bible Study

Inquiring Minds – Lesson 1


How often do we fret and fume over indecision! We wonder what to do and get stressed out in the process of making a good decision. What keeps us from going immediately to the Lord instead of trying to figure things out on our own?

The Bibe calls it “inquiring.” This word has a several interesting definitions in the Hebrew language. Two of them caught my eye. Inquiring refers to “requesting counsel” and “saluting.” In simple terms, when we request God’s counsel we “salute” Him to welcome Him into our circumstances and to honor Him as Sovereign over all that concerns us. Let’s look at a few scriptures to help us understand the power of inquiring of the Lord.

Read Proverbs 3:5-7

1. What commands tell us what we should NOT do in these verses?

Read I Samuel 13:6-14

2. The prophet, Samuel, had previously instructed Saul to await his arrival and instructions. What did King Saul do in verses 9-10?

3. What phrases reveal King Saul’s dependence on himself?  Hint: they all begin with “I.” What resulted from Saul being wise in his own eyes in verses 13-14?

Read I Corinthians 2:5

4. How does this verse relate to the above scriptures? On whom or what do we base our faith?

Read Colossians 2:3

5. What is hidden in Christ? How does this verse encourage you to ask?

When we inqire of the Lord before making a decision, we receive God’s thoughts to give us assurance for action. Rather than using the words of Saul, like “I thought” or “I decided,” (which is relying on ourselves) let’s simply ASK the Lord, “What do You want me to do?” Saul’s disobedience led to lost opportunities. Saul rationalized his disobedience with excuses about how he felt or thought. The Message Bible says he took things into his own hands. Let’s not base our decisions on man’s wisdom but on the power that is available to us if we simply ask. You never know how God will answer.

Try it this week…it could change your life!


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