A Thankful Heart


Mom prayed faithfully for her father. For twenty years she begged God to turn his heart around. To open his eyes to the truth of God’s love. And accept the sacrifice Jesus Christ made for him on the cross.

He lived in Sweden so communication came through handwritten letters. Airmail stamps. I remember them. No email, texts or Facebook technology existed to bring them together. In fact, a telegram brought news of his passing. Blunt and to the point. With no assurance he had given his heart to the Lord.


Mom was devastated. Her despair was obvious. “What’s the use of praying?” she cried out. I never heard her doubt God before. And it shook me to the core.

She told this story so often I was never sure I actually remembered the moment it happened. But she testified that as soon as those words were out of her mouth, the Lord dropped this verse in her heart.

Against all hope, Abraham believed in hope. Romans 8:14

That was her answer. She knew without a doubt even if she never heard or saw it for herself. God had answered her prayers.

I’ve been asking God for a miracle of my own for some time now. I ask because that’s what Mom taught me to do. I know who God is. I believe nothing is impossible with Him. I ask because I remember the many times He’s worked in my life.

But I am still waiting for the answer. My prayers seem to bounce off the ceiling. Nothing has changed. And I hear the words of my mother coming from my mouth. “What’s the use of praying?”

I am worn out from groaning; all night long I flood my bed with weeping and drench my couch with tears. My eyes grow weak with sorrow…Psalm 6:6

I’m tired of asking over and over again with no results. I’ve wondered if it’s time to give up praying.

Then I read about King David in the Bible. He committed adultery with Bathsheba and arranged for her husband to be killed. God’s punishment was clear. Their child would die.

But David still prayed. It’s said he hoped the Lord would change His mind. So he prayed and fasted for seven days, holding on to hope. Hope in God’s character and love. And mostly His mercy.

David’s servants were concerned that the king had not eaten or slept all week. Lying on his face before God, he pleaded for a change in his circumstances. Even though he knew what God had said. His prayers continued night and day.

On the morning of the seventh day, the child died. It was obvious God did not change His mind. He said no to David’s request.

Instead of despairing, David got up, washed his face and worshiped God. Then he got something to eat. He went forward trusting in God. Assured He would see his child some day in heaven.

This story speaks loudly to me. While there is still a chance. While there is still hope, keep praying. You never know when God will show mercy and reverse your situation. In a moment of time, the tide can turn.

The message is to persevere and keep praying. It’s never too late to pray. Even when circumstances say it is.

But what if you never see your miracle and God says no to your request? Then get up and go forward. Like David. Trust that God is working something good from your pain. Better even.

That’s where I am today. I can’t give up praying. I’m still waiting for that miracle.

I will wait for the Lord; my whole being waits for Him. I put my hope in His Word. Psalm 130:5

If you’re overwhelmed by problems and trials, don’t stop believing and praying.

  1. Find promises to stand on in God’s WordFor with God nothing is ever impossible and no word from God shall be without power or impossible of fulfillment. Luke 1:37
  2. Practice thanking God for everythingIn every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. Philippians 4:6
  3. Trust in the Lord who suffered for youWhen they hurled their insults at him, he did not retaliate; when he suffered, he made no threats. Instead, he entrusted himself to him who judges justly.. I Peter 2:23
  4. And never ever stop praying. Never ever! Pray without ceasing.  I Thessalonians 5:17

By the way, some time later my mother discovered that her father had indeed given his heart to the Lord. Against all hope, her faith became sight!

Yours can, too, if you never give up!


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