Uncategorized WHO WILL CARRY THIS? My children used to hand me everything. They were quite capable of holding their own stuff. They just didn’t want to. They preferred…
Uncategorized PROTECT! PROTECT! PROTECT! Isn’t protection a mom’s major concern? Making sure our children don’t fall down. Run in front of a car. Touch hot stoves. Or experience…
Uncategorized A NOBLE RESOLUTION I gave up making them a long time ago. Resolutions for the new year seemed more like self-effort than godly-inspiration. But I’m sensing a different…
Uncategorized SEVEN DAYS OF DIFFICULTY Have you ever faced a week of continual bad news? Where every day is a nightmare? It was the summer of…
Uncategorized A N T I C I P A T I O N ANTICIPATION is keeping me waiting, chasing after finer days, sang Carly Simon back in the 70’s. Those lyrics perfectly expressed my…
Uncategorized RECORD YOUR STORY There it was lying in the bottom of a dresser drawer. A diary given to me by my mom when…
Uncategorized IT’S NOT THE END OF YOUR STORY It’s early morning as I linger in a semi state of conciousness. Strangely enough, this is when God often speaks to my heart. Not…
Uncategorized REHEARSE THE ACTS OF GOD WITH YOUR FAMILY Everyone has a story to tell their family. Our Thanksgiving table represented many of them. The most recent an uncle…
Uncategorized THANKFUL IN LIFE; THANKFUL IN DEATH It’s Thanksgiving week, and we are thankful the waiting is over. My beautiful mother-in-law breathed her last on earth and…
Uncategorized FROM THIS WORLD INTO ETERNITY We’ve been keeping vigil by the bedside of my 96-year old mother-in-law. She doesn’t have long before she passes from this world…
Uncategorized THE SKINNY MIRROR The Skinny Mirror One glance into the magic mirror was guaranteed to make you look better. Improve your self-image. Give you more…
Uncategorized THE CELEBRATION “STORY” This is an eventful week. The day is marked on the calendar. Invitations mailed. Venue secured. Shopping completed. Family gathered.…
Uncategorized HOW LOSS BECOMES GAIN Our heart ached as we scanned photos of children needing sponsors. I was drawn to one who shared my name. Nine-year old Karen from LaCeiba,…
Uncategorized WHY I MUST SAY THANKS I’ve loved tea ever since I can remember. It was the go-to remedy for childhood ills. Even today a cup of…
Uncategorized IS YOUR LIFE A BLUR? Why does life seem like a blur? I hurried and scurried through my kids’ lives and now I can’t decipher who did what…