Her door was shut as I ran through the kitchen yelling “MOM?” Those familiar sounds stopped me in my tracks. She was at it again. Muffled pleas to the Father. Tears of intercession. I heard my name. Mom was praying. The lady who lived what she taught. The lady Dad said had that direct line to heaven! She was pouring out her heart to God…for me.
To have a mom who was fanatical about prayer may have embarrassed me back then! But the work Mom did on her knees has shaped the course of my life.
“When God finds a mother who will pray,
He has someone through whom He can work.
Praying mothers have wielded more power for good
than will ever be known this side of eternity.”
My mom wasn’t a scholar. In fact, she never finished high school. But she read God’s Word like her life depended on it. Mom believed that the Lord and His Word would fill in the gaps where she and Dad might fail. God had called them to the task of parenting. He would provide what they needed. And Mom had that direct line!

Don’t let prayer overwhelm you. It’s just talking to God about your concerns. Don’t make it too hard or live under a constant guilt trip that you’re not measuring up. Begin today. It’s never too late and you can do it anywhere. Instead of wringing your hands in despair, lift them to God in prayer.
Pour out your heart like water in the presence of the Lord.
Lift up your hands to Him for the lives of your children. Lamentations 2:19
Prayer will make a difference in your child’s life, so pray about everything. Ask God for specifics. A tender heart. Iron-sharpening friends. That perfect teacher. Wise choices. Better grades. Whatever your concern, pray it. I remember asking God for my children to get caught when doing wrong. (We want things nipped in the bud before it’s too late, don’t we?).
Before you feel overwhelmed with the responsibility of prayer, remember that you have an Arsenal. God’s Word is described as a Sword that penetrates. A Fire that consumes. And a Hammer that breaks down stubborn resistance. Use the Arsenal of Scripture. I encourage you to find a verse in the Bible that relates to the concerns you have for your child. Underline it. Date it. Claim it. Write your child’s name by it. And begin to pray those words out loud in faith.
Think of the impact your prayers will have on your sons and daughters! What security you will provide them, as the mom who has her own direct line to heaven!
“Pour out your heart like water …”
I found this verse about 6 weeks ago, and here it is again. So, I must conclude this is exactly what God wants me to do. Thank you Karen for your wise words from the Holy Spirit to mothers.
As a father, I am thankful that my girls, Teresa and Tara, had a mother that poured out her heart to the Lord on behalf of our 2 girls. Both are living for Jesus because of just that.
Blessings dear one …