A Thankful Heart Online Bible Study

Week One – A Thankful Heart



Week One – you have all week to study, meditate, respond, and pray about this topic

A personal story: Overwhelmed and weary from all I had to do, I complained to my mother. I was tired and worried about so many things. The one who caused me to roll my eyes on many occasions had somehow morphed into a wealthy storehouse of wisdom. It’s true our parents get smarter the older we get! I’ve never forgotten her gentle reminder.

She said to look for opportunities to be thankful in the midst of trials and turmoil. Instead of complaining, thank God for simple things often taken for granted. Like family. Food on the table. A salary that pays the bills. The ability to walk. You get the idea.

In these lessons, I hope to help us focus on the power of a thankful heart. Even the world says a good attitude is everything. And being grateful is a lifestyle, not just something we do on the fourth Thursday in November.

Let’s take a look at what the Bible says about cultivating a thankful heart attitude. Here are some instructions for these weekly lessons to be posted every Monday:

Read each week’s passage in two or more versions of the Bible. It’s a good idea to write your answers in a notebook and then post your comments on Facebook. It will hopefully prompt a lot of good discussion from those participating. Suggestion: download an app from Bible Gateway to bring up three different versions on the screen at one time.  It’s a great tool.

Read Psalm 92:1-5 in two or more versions.

1.  Why do you think the psalmist says it is “good” to praise the Lord?  Does that means there’s a personal benefit?  (Check out other versions for a clue).

2. What are some ways that help us form the praise habit?  What might you consider doing on a sleepless night?

3. According to this passage, what has God done that should make us grateful?  Now make a list of personal blessings.

4. The Message gives us a blatant rebuke in Psalm 92:6. “Dullards never notice what you do; fools never do get it.” Is there anything you’ve not been noticing?

5. Share honestly what keeps you from expressing thanks to God. What steps might you take this week to overcome complaining, depression, or worry?

As you study these verses and read what others have shared, take note of who is struggling. Do you identify with their comments? As you post your own hindrance to praise, let that person know you understand and are praying for them.  They just might pray for you. It’s what the Body of Christ is all about!

Remember, I expect you to respond and interact with me and with others on our Facebook page. May God bless us as we study and interact together around His Word.


7 thoughts on “Week One – A Thankful Heart

  1. 1) Though I didn’t see it directly in this passage, I’ve found that praising God when I least feel like it gives me peace. One translation I found said “it is good and delightful ” to praise!

    2) When struggling with grief, doubt or fear, it helps me to make a gratitude list. There was a time I was so broken-hearted that I felt I had NOTHING to be thankful for. But I asked for God’s help, picked up my pen, and started writing. In the beginning, I wrote things like ” I have a house.” “I have food.” “I have water.” By the time I got further down the list, my heart had changed.
    On a sleepless night, I find it helpful to list my blessings, or to praise the attributes of God.

    3)He loves us, is faithful and does good . My list begins with “my family is alive.” That is enough blessing to start my day!
    4) my health and physical strength. Instead of complaining about having to do more than my share, I should focus on being grateful for the health and strength to do what tasks lie before me!

    1. I think you hit it right on the bulls-eye, Gina. You’ve been intentional about making a list of your blessings, seeings for yourself the power of a grateful heart on changing your perspective. That’s beautiful. It’s where we all need to go when struggling with grief, doubt or fear. You’re right that such an attitude brings peace to our souls no matter what’s going on. It does turn complaining around when we focus on the abilities we have to complete tasks that others may not be able to do. Great insight here! Thank you!

  2. I am so glad I signed up for the Online Bible Studies – it is so wonderful to be back in a teaching session with you – I remember them when we lived in Indianapolis and went to Lakeview Church – such a wonderful time in the LORD – I am so glad you made it available on line – just love them. I find that getting into a Praise habit is a wonderful thing for our lives – each morning I Praise the LORD for waking me up and starting me on my way for the day. I walk a mile early in the mornings and I find that is a wonderful time with the LORD – you can hum a song – pray as you walk – I am so blessed. The LORD has given me a wonderful family – 2 precious girls – a son-in-law – a grandson – once again I am blessed beyond in all things – I also feel it is wonderful and delightful to Praise each day.
    Then entering into my devotions each morning – reading the word – listening to the word – and praying for precious people who do not have it as wonderful as I do – GOD is still on the throne. I AM SO BLESSED BY THE LORD.

  3. Odella, thank you for participating in our online group. You can also go to the Facebook page for kingdommom that should show up on the left side of your page. That way you can interact with others who are responding. Either way is fine, though, as the study will be posted through my website and FB.

    Thank you for your kind words, and I am thrilled that you are participating in our study. How you described your morning routine is beautiful. Waking up with Jesus on your mind and recalling your blessings is so beneficial. It’s just “good” for us to recount our blessings from God. It is a habit for sure, and being intentional about thanking God brings a whole new perspective to our day!

    Keep those comments coming, my friend!

  4. I just saw this and I am so eager to learn and grow and find new ways to be where God wants me. What a blessing to be a part of this group.
    You might have guessed I am Daniel and Robyn’ s mom.
    Bless you all and I hope we grow closer to the God who loves us no mater how often we goof up.
    I love Him and hope I can grow in the gifts of the Spirit.

    1. Thanks for joining, Melissa! You can also post comments on our Kingdommom Facebook page that will allow you to see more comments and interact with others who are participating. Welcome! I pray this study is a blessing in your life. We are very excited for baby Max’s soon arrival. God bless.

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